Manufacturer specific SDOs

Objects 2000h to 3999h

Index SubIndex Data Type Float Scale Access PDO
Description ASCII object
2000h   Array       System Warnings
2000h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
2000h 1 U32   RO no System Warning 1 DRV.WARNING1 (see "DRV.WARNING1 to DRV.WARNING3")
2000h 2 U32   RO no System Warning 2 DRV.WARNING2 (see "DRV.WARNING1 to DRV.WARNING3")
2000h 3 U32   RO no System Warning 3 DRV.WARNING3 (see "DRV.WARNING1 to DRV.WARNING3")
2001h   Array       System Faults
2001h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
2001h 1 U32   RO no System Fault 1 DRV.FAULT1 (see "DRV.FAULT1 to DRV.FAULT10")
2001h 2 U32   RO no System Fault 2 DRV.FAULT2 (see "DRV.FAULT1 to DRV.FAULT10")
2001h 3 U32   RO no System Fault 3 DRV.FAULT3 (see "DRV.FAULT1 to DRV.FAULT10")
2001h 4 U32   RO no System Fault 4 DRV.FAULT4 (see "DRV.FAULT1 to DRV.FAULT10")
2001h 5 U32   RO no System Fault 5 DRV.FAULT5 (see "DRV.FAULT1 to DRV.FAULT10")
2001h 6 U32   RO no System Fault 6 DRV.FAULT6 (see "DRV.FAULT1 to DRV.FAULT10")
2001h 7 U32   RO no System Fault 7 DRV.FAULT7 (see "DRV.FAULT1 to DRV.FAULT10")
2001h 8 U32   RO no System Fault 8 DRV.FAULT8 (see "DRV.FAULT1 to DRV.FAULT10")
2001h 9 U32   RO no System Fault 9 DRV.FAULT9 (see "DRV.FAULT1 to DRV.FAULT10")
2001h A U32   RO no System Fault 10 DRV.FAULT10 (see "DRV.FAULT1 to DRV.FAULT10")
2002h   Array       Manufacturer status bytes
2002h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
2002h 1 U8   RO yes Manufacturer status bytes 1
2002h 2 U8   RO yes Manufacturer status bytes 2
2002h 3 U8   RO yes Manufacturer status bytes 3
2002h 4 U8   RO yes Manufacturer status bytes 4
2011h   VAR   RO   DRV.RUNTIME in seconds DRV.RUNTIME (see "DRV.RUNTIME")
2012h   Array       Fault history: Fault numbers DRV.FAULTHIST (see "DRV.FAULTHIST")
2012h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
2012h 1 to 20 U32   RO no Nth-latest entry in fault number list of fault history table
2013h   Array       Fault history: Time stamps DRV.FAULTHIST (see "DRV.FAULTHIST")
2013h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
2013h 1 to 20 U32   RO no Nth-latest entry in fault timestamp list of fault history table
2014h   Array       Mask TxPDO Channel 1
2014h 1 U32   RW no Mask (Byte 0..3)
2014h 2 U32   RW no Mask (Byte 4..7)
2015h   Array       Mask TxPDO Channel 2
2015h 1 U32   RW no Mask (Byte 0..3)
2015h 2 U32   RW no Mask (Byte 4..7)
2016h   Array       Mask TxPDO Channel 3
2016h 1 U32   RW no Mask (Byte 0..3)
2016h 2 U32   RW no Mask (Byte 4..7)
2017h   Array       Mask TxPDO Channel 4
2017h 1 U32   RW no Mask (Byte 0..3)
2017h 2 U32   RW no Mask (Byte 4..7)
2018h   Array       Firmware version
2018h 0 U16   const no highest sub-index
2018h 1 U16   const no Major version
2018h 2 U16   const no Minor version
2018h 3 U16   const no Revision
2018h 4 U16   const no Branch version
2026h   Array       ASCII Channel
2026h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
2026h 1 VisStr   WO no Command
2026h 2 VisStr   RO no Response
2031h 0 VisStr   RW no Drive Name, length 10 bits DRV.NAME (see "DRV.NAME")
2032h 0 VisStr   RW no Drive custom identifier string, length 32 byte DRV.CUSTOMIDENTIFIER (see "DRV.CUSTOMIDENTIFIER")
2033h 0 VisStr   RO no Drive model, 21 bytes
204Ch   Array       pv scaling factor
204Ch 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
204Ch 1 INT32   RW no pv scaling factor numerator
204Ch 2 INT32   RW no pv scaling factor denominator
2050h 0 INT32 1:1 RO yes Position, secondary feedback DRV.HANDWHEEL (see "DRV.HANDWHEEL")
2071h 0 INT32   RW yes* Target current -
2077h 0 INT32   RO yes Current actual value -
207Fh 0 UINT32   RW yes Maximum velocity in CST-mode & PT-mode IL.VLIMIT (see "IL.VLIMIT")
2080h 0 U16   WO yes Selects motion task to be executed in profile position mode.
2081h 0 U16   RO yes Last active motion task.
20A0h 0 INT32 var RO yes Latch position 1, positive edge CAP0.PLFB (see "CAP0.PLFB, CAP1.PLFB "), CAP0.T (see "CAP0.T, CAP1.T ")
20A1h 0 INT32 var RO yes Latch position 1, negative edge CAP0.PLFB (see "CAP0.PLFB, CAP1.PLFB "), CAP0.T (see "CAP0.T, CAP1.T ")
20A2h 0 INT32 var RO yes Latch position 2, positive edge CAP1.PLFB (see "CAP0.PLFB, CAP1.PLFB "), CAP1.T (see "CAP0.T, CAP1.T ")
20A3h 0 INT32 var RO yes Latch position 2, negative edge CAP1.PLFB (see "CAP0.PLFB, CAP1.PLFB "), CAP1.T (see "CAP0.T, CAP1.T ")
20A4h 0 U16   RW yes Latch control register
20A5h 0 U16   RW yes Latch status register
20A6h 0 INT32 var RO yes Gets captured position value CAP0.PLFB (see "CAP0.PLFB, CAP1.PLFB ")
20A7h 0 INT32 var RO yes Gets captured position value CAP1.PLFB (see "CAP0.PLFB, CAP1.PLFB ")
20B8h 0 U16   RW yes Clear changed digital input information
3405h   Array       VL.ARTYPE
3405h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
3405h 1 U8   RW no Calculation method for BiQuad filter 1 VL.ARTYPE1 (see "VL.ARTYPE1 TO VL.ARTYPE4")
3405h 2 U8   RW no Calculation method for BiQuad filter 2 VL.ARTYPE2 (see "VL.ARTYPE1 TO VL.ARTYPE4")
3405h 3 U8   RW no Calculation method for BiQuad filter 3 VL.ARTYPE3 (see "VL.ARTYPE1 TO VL.ARTYPE4")
3405h 4 U8   RW no Calculation method for BiQuad filter 4 VL.ARTYPE4 (see "VL.ARTYPE1 TO VL.ARTYPE4")
3406h   Array       VL BiQuad
3406h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
3406h 1 U32 1000:1 RW no Natural frequency of pole of anti-resonance (AR) filter 1 VL.ARPF1 (see "VL.ARPF1 TO VL.ARPF4")
3406h 2 U32 1000:1 RW no Natural frequency of pole of anti-resonance (AR) filter 2 VL.ARPF2 (see "VL.ARPF1 TO VL.ARPF4")
3406h 3 U32 1000:1 RW no Natural frequency of pole of anti-resonance (AR) filter 3 VL.ARPF3 (see "VL.ARPF1 TO VL.ARPF4")
3406h 4 U32 1000:1 RW no Natural frequency of pole of anti-resonance (AR) filter 4 VL.ARPF4 (see "VL.ARPF1 TO VL.ARPF4")
3406h 5 U32 1000:1 RW no Q of pole of anti-resonance (AR) filter 1 VL.ARPQ1 (see "VL.ARPQ1 TO VL.ARPQ4")
3406h 6 U32 1000:1 RW no Q of pole of anti-resonance (AR) filter 2 VL.ARPQ2 (see "VL.ARPQ1 TO VL.ARPQ4")
3406h 7 U32 1000:1 RW no Q of pole of anti-resonance (AR) filter 3 VL.ARPQ3 (see "VL.ARPQ1 TO VL.ARPQ4")
3406h 8 U32 1000:1 RW no Q of pole of anti-resonance (AR) filter 4 VL.ARPQ4 (see "VL.ARPQ1 TO VL.ARPQ4")
3406h 9 U32 1000:1 RW no Natural frequency of zero of anti-resonance (AR) filter 1 VL.ARZF1 (see "VL.ARZF1 TO VL.ARZF4")
3406h A U32 1000:1 RW no Natural frequency of zero of anti-resonance (AR) filter 2 VL.ARZF2 (see "VL.ARZF1 TO VL.ARZF4")
3406h B U32 1000:1 RW no Natural frequency of zero of anti-resonance (AR) filter 3 VL.ARZF3 (see "VL.ARZF1 TO VL.ARZF4")
3406h C U32 1000:1 RW no Natural frequency of zero of anti-resonance (AR) filter 4 VL.ARZF4 (see "VL.ARZF1 TO VL.ARZF4")
3406h D U32 1000:1 RW no Q of zero of anti-resonance filter 1 VL.ARZQ1 (see "VL.ARZQ1 TO VL.ARZQ4")
3406h E U32 1000:1 RW no Q of zero of anti-resonance filter 2 VL.ARZQ2 (see "VL.ARZQ1 TO VL.ARZQ4")
3406h F U32 1000:1 RW no Q of zero of anti-resonance filter 3 VL.ARZQ3 (see "VL.ARZQ1 TO VL.ARZQ4")
3406h 10 U32 1000:1 RW no Q of zero of anti-resonance filter 4 VL.ARZQ4 (see "VL.ARZQ1 TO VL.ARZQ4")
3407h   Struct       Velocity Filter
3407h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
3407h 1 INT32 1000:1 RW no 10 Hz filtered VL.FB VL.FBFILTER (see "VL.FBFILTER")
3407h 2 U32 1000:1 RW no Gain for the velocity feedforward VL.KVFF (see "VL.KVFF")
3407h 3 U32   RW no Gain for the acceleration feedforward VL.KBUSFF (see "VL.KBUSFF")
3407h 4 U32 1:1 RW no Sets the velocity error VL.ERR (see "VL.ERR")
3412h 0 INT8   RW no Type of regen resistor REGEN.TYPE (see "REGEN.TYPE")
3414h 0 U8   RW   Returns and sets the regen resistor fault level temperature. REGEN.WATTEXT (see "REGEN.WATTEXT")
3415h 0 U32 1000:1 RO no Thermal regen resistor time constant REGEN.TEXT (see "REGEN.TEXT")
3416h 0 U32   RO no Gets regen resistor's calculated power REGEN.POWER (see "REGEN.POWER")
3417h 0 U32   RO no Returns a filtered version of 3416h REGEN.POWER- FILTERED (see "REGEN.POWERFILTERED")
3420h 0 U16 1000:1 RW no Sets the foldback fault level. IL.FOLDFTHRESH (see "IL.FOLDFTHRESH")
3421h 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Sets the user value for the foldback fault level. IL.FOLDFTHRESHU (see "IL.FOLDFTHRESHU")
3422h 0 U32 1000:1   no Sets friction compensation value. IL.FRICTION (see "IL.FRICTION")
3423h 0 INT32 1000:1   no A constant current command added to compensate for gravity. IL.OFFSET (see "IL.OFFSET")
3424h 0 U16     no Enables/disables the integrator part of the PI loop. IL.INTEN (Password Protected)
3425h 0 U32 1000:1 RO no Reads the overall foldback current limit IL.IFOLD (see "IL.IFOLD")
3426h 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Sets current loop acceleration feedforward gain value IL.KACCFF (see "IL.KACCFF")
3427h   Record       Motor protection parameters
3427h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
3427h 1 U8   RW no   IL.MIMODE (see "IL.MIMODE")
3427h 2 U8   RW no IL.MI2TWTHRESH (see "IL.MI2TWTHRESH")
3427h 3 U32   RW yes IL.MI2T (see "IL.MI2T")
3430h 0 U8   RW no Sets the direction for absolute motion tasks. PL.MODPDIR (see "PL.MODPDIR")
3431h 0 U16   RW no Sets the motion task in the drive MT.SET (see "MT.SET ")
3432h 0 U16   WO no Loads motion task for editing MT.LOAD(see "MT.LOAD")
3440h   Array       Controlled stop parameters
3440h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
3440h 1 U32 1:1 RW no Sets the deceleration value for a controlled stop. CS.DEC (see "CS.DEC")
3440h 2 U32 1:1 RW no Sets the velocity threshold for a controlled stop. CS.VTHRESH (see "CS.VTHRESH")
3440h 3 U32   RW no Sets the time value for the drive velocity to be within CS.VTHRESH. CS.TO (see "CS.TO")
3441h 0 U8   RO no Controlled stop state CS.STATE (see "CS.STATE ")
3443h 0 U16   RO no Returns the possible reason for a drive disable DRV.DIS (see "DRV.DIS")
3444h 0 U16 1000:1 RO no Maximum current for dynamic braking DRV.DBILIMIT (see "DRV.DBILIMIT")
3445h 0 U32   RO no Emergency timeout for braking DRV.DISTO (see "DRV.DISTO")
3450h 0 U8   RW yes Release or enable brake MOTOR.BRAKERLS (see "MOTOR.BRAKERLS")
3451h 0 U8   RO yes Determines which drive parameters are calculated automatically. MOTOR.AUTOSET (see "MOTOR.AUTOSET")
3452h 0 U16   RW no Sets the motor maximum voltage MOTOR.VOLTMAX (see "MOTOR.VOLTMAX")
3453h 0 U32   RW no Sets the motor temperature warning level MOTOR.TEMPWARN (see "MOTOR.TEMPWARN ")
3454h 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Sets the thermal constant of the motor coil MOTOR.CTF0 (see "MOTOR.CTF0")
3455h 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Sets the line-to-line motor Lq MOTOR.LQLL (see "MOTOR.LQLL")
3456h 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Sets the stator winding resistance phase-phase in ohms MOTOR.R (see "MOTOR.R")
3457h   Record       Induction Motor parameter
3457h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
3457h 1 INT32 1000:1 RW no Configuration of induction motor's rated velocity. MOTOR.VRATED (see "MOTOR.VRATED")
3457h 2 U16   RW no Configuration of induction motor's rated voltage. MOTOR.VOLTRATED (see "MOTOR.VOLTRATED")
3457h 3 U16   RW no Sets the minimum voltage for V/f Control. MOTOR.VOLTMIN (see "MOTOR.VOLTMIN")
3458h 0 U16   RO yes Motor temperature for motors with sensor MOTOR.TEMPC(see "MOTOR.TEMPC")
345Ah   Array       Brake Control
345Ah 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
345Ah 1 U16   RW yes Brake Control Command
345Ah 2 U16   RO yes Brake Status Response
3460h   Record       Capture engines parameters
3460h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
3460h 1 U8   RW no Specifies the trigger source for the position capture. CAP0.TRIGGER (see "CAP0.TRIGGER, CAP1.TRIGGER ")
3460h 2 U8   RW no Specifies the trigger source for the position capture. CAP1.TRIGGER (see "CAP0.TRIGGER, CAP1.TRIGGER ")
3460h 3 U8   RW no Selects the captured value. CAP0.MODE (see "CAP0.MODE, CAP1.MODE ")
3460h 4 U8   RW no Selects the captured value. CAP1.MODE (see "CAP0.MODE, CAP1.MODE ")
3460h 5 U8   RW no Controls the precondition logic. CAP0.EVENT (see "CAP0.EVENT, CAP1.EVENT ")
3460h 6 U8   RW no Controls the precondition logic. CAP1.EVENT (see "CAP0.EVENT, CAP1.EVENT ")
3460h 7 U8   RW no Selects the capture precondition edge. CAP0.PREEDGE (see "CAP0.PREEDGE, CAP1.PREEDGE ")
3460h 8 U8   RW no Selects the capture precondition edge. CAP1.PREEDGE (see "CAP0.PREEDGE, CAP1.PREEDGE ")
3460h 9 U8   RW no Sets the precondition trigger. CAP0.PRESELECT (see "CAP0.PRESELECT, CAP1.PRESELECT ")
3460h A U8   RW no Sets the precondition trigger. CAP1.PRESELECT (see "CAP0.PRESELECT, CAP1.PRESELECT ")
3460h B U8   RW no Selects the feedback source for the capture engine 0. CAP0.FBSOURCE (see "CAP0.FBSOURCE, CAP1.FBSOURCE")
3460h C U8   RW no Selects the feedback source for the capture engine 1. CAP1.FBSOURCE (see "CAP0.FBSOURCE, CAP1.FBSOURCE")
3470h   Record        
3470h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
3470h 1 INT8   RW no Sets the analog output mode. AOUT.MODE (see "AOUT.MODE ")
3470h 2 INT16 1000:1 RW yes Reads the analog output value. AOUT.VALUE (see "AOUT.VALUE ")
3470h 3 INT16 1000:1 RW yes Reads and writes the analog output value. AOUT.VALUEU (see "AOUT.VALUEU ")
3470h 4 INT16 1000:1 RO yes Reads the value of the analog input signal. AIN.VALUE (see "AIN.VALUE ")
3470h 5 U32 1000:1 RW no Sets velocity scale factor for analog output AOUT.VSCALE (see "AOUT.VSCALE ")
3471h 0 U32 1:1 RW no Sets the analog position scale factor AOUT.PSCALE (see "AOUT.PSCALE ")
3472h 0 U32 1:1 RW no Sets analog pscale factor AIN.PSCALE (see "AIN.PSCALE ")
3473h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index supported
3473h 1 U8   RO no DIN.ROTARY
3473h 2 U8   RW no DINx.INV
3474h   Array       DINx.PARAM
3474h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
3474h 1 U32   RW no Lower 32-bit part of input parameter 1 DIN1.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3474h 2 U32   RW no Lower 32-bit part of input parameter 2 DIN2.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3474h 3 U32   RW no Lower 32-bit part of input parameter 3 DIN3.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3474h 4 U32   RW no Lower 32-bit part of input parameter 4 DIN4.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3474h 5 U32   RW no Lower 32-bit part of input parameter 5 DIN5.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3474h 6 U32   RW no Lower 32-bit part of input parameter 6 DIN6.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3474h 7 U32   RW no Lower 32-bit part of input parameter 7 DIN7.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3474h 8 U32   RW no Higher 32-bit part of input parameter 1 DIN1.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3474h 9 U32   RW no Higher 32-bit part of input parameter 2 DIN2.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3474h A U32   RW no Higher 32-bit part of input parameter 3 DIN3.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3474h B U32   RW no Higher 32-bit part of input parameter 4 DIN4.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3474h C U32   RW no Higher 32-bit part of input parameter 5 DIN5.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3474h D U32   RW no Higher 32-bit part of input parameter 6 DIN6.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3474h E U32   RW no Higher 32-bit part of input parameter 7 DIN7.PARAM (see "DIN1.PARAM TO DIN7.PARAM")
3475h   Array       DOUTx.PARAM
3475h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
3475h 1 U32   RW no Lower 32-bit part of output parameter 1 DOUT1.PARAM (see "DOUT1.PARAM AND DOUT2.PARAM")
3475h 2 U32   RW no Lower 32-bit part of output parameter 2 DOUT2.PARAM (see "DOUT1.PARAM AND DOUT2.PARAM")
3475h 3 U32   RW no Higher 32-bit part of output parameter 1 DOUT1.PARAM (see "DOUT1.PARAM AND DOUT2.PARAM")
3475h 4 U32   RW no Higher 32-bit part of output parameter 2 DOUT2.PARAM (see "DOUT1.PARAM AND DOUT2.PARAM")
3476h 0 U8   RO no Highest sub-index supported
3476h 1 U8   RO yes VDIN.STATES
3476h 2 U8   RW yes VDIN.STATESU
3476h 3 U8   RW no VDIN.INVALL
3477h 0 U32   RO no highest sub-index supported
3477h 1 to 8 u32   RW no VDINx.PARAM low 32 bits, x = 1 .. 8
3477h 9 to 0x10 U32   RW no VDINx.PARAM high 32 bits, x = 1 .. 8
3480h 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Integral gain of position regulator PID loop PL.KI (see "PL.KI")
3481h   Array       PL.INTMAX
3481h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
3481h 1 U32 1:1 RW no Input saturation PL.INTINMAX (see "PL.INTINMAX")
3481h 2 U32 1:1 RW no Output saturation PL.INTOUTMAX (see "PL.INTOUTMAX")
3482h 0 INT32 1:1 RO no Maximum value of following error in homing HOME.PERRTHRESH (see "HOME.PERRTHRESH")
3483h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no Sets the position error warning level PL.ERRWTHRESH (see "PL.ERRWTHRESH")
3484h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no Specification of an additional movement after homing is completed. HOME.DIST (see "HOME.DIST")
3490h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no Position feedback offset FB1.OFFSET (see "FB1.OFFSET")
3491h 0 U32   RO no Location of index pulse on EEO DRV.EMUEMTURN (see "DRV.EMUEMTURN ")
3492h 0 U32   RO no Motion status of the drive DRV.MOTIONSTAT (see "DRV.MOTIONSTAT")
3493h 0 U8   RO no Direction of EEO (emulated encoder output) DRV.EMUEDIR (see "DRV.EMUEDIR ")
3494h   Record       WS parameters
3494h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
3494h 1 INT16 1000:1 RW no Sets maximum current used for wake and shake WS.IMAX (see "WS.IMAX")
3494h 2 INT32 1:1 RW no Sets the maximum movement required for wake and shake WS.DISTMAX (see "WS.DISTMAX")
3494h 3 U16   RW no Sets the delay for wake and shake between loops in mode 0 WS.TDELAY3 (see "WS.TDELAY3")
3494h 4 INT32 1:1 RW no Defines the maximum allowed velocity for Wake & Shake WS.VTHRESH (see "WS.VTHRESH")
3494h 5 U8   RO no Reads wake and shake status WS.STATE (see "WS.STATE")
3494h 6 U8   RW no Arm Wake and Shake to start WS.ARM (see "WS.ARM")
3495h 0 U16 1000:1 RW no Voltage level for undervoltage warning. VBUS.UVWTHRESH (see "VBUS.UVWTHRESH")
3496h   Array       FBUS synchronization parameters
3496h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
3496h 1 U32 RW no expected time distance between clearing the PLL counter and calling the PLL function FBUS.SYNCDIST (see "FBUS.SYNCDIST")
3496h 2 U32 RW no actual time distance between clearing the PLL counter and calling the PLL function FBUS.SYNCACT (see "FBUS.SYNCACT")
3496h 3 U32 RW no Time window, which is used in order to consider the drive as being synchronized FBUS.SYNCWND (see "FBUS.SYNCWND")
3496h 4 U32 RW no Time, which is used for extending or lowering the sample rate of the internal 16[kHz] IRQ
3497h 0 INT32   WO yes

This value represents the external feedback position coming from a feedback device via an EtherCAT/CAN master.

3498h 0 U8   RW no Protection level of fieldbus against other communication channels (Telnet, Modbus..) FBUS.PROTECTION (see "FBUS.PROTECTION")
3499h 0 INT32   RW yes Set-point for stepper motor output through the emulated encoder output (EEO) DRV.EMUESTEPCMD (see "DRV.EMUESTEPCMD")
34A0h   Array       PLS Position  
34A0h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34A0h 1 INT32 1:1 RW no Limit switch 1 compare value PLS.P1 (see "PLS.P1 TO PLS.P8")
34A0h 2 INT32 1:1 RW no Limit switch 2 compare value PLS.P2 (see "PLS.P1 TO PLS.P8")
34A0h 3 INT32 1:1 RW no Limit switch 3 compare value PLS.P3 (see "PLS.P1 TO PLS.P8")
34A0h 4 INT32 1:1 RW no Limit switch 4 compare value PLS.P4 (see "PLS.P1 TO PLS.P8")
34A0h 5 INT32 1:1 RW no Limit switch 5 compare value PLS.P5 (see "PLS.P1 TO PLS.P8")
34A0h 6 INT32 1:1 RW no Limit switch 6 compare value PLS.P6 (see "PLS.P1 TO PLS.P8")
34A0h 7 INT32 1:1 RW no Limit switch 7 compare value PLS.P7 (see "PLS.P1 TO PLS.P8")
34A0h 8 INT32 1:1 RW no Limit switch 8 compare value PLS.P8 (see "PLS.P1 TO PLS.P8")
34A1h   Array       PLS Width
34A1h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34A1h 1 INT32 1:1 RW no Sets Limit Switch1 Width PLS.WIDTH1 (see "PLS.WIDTH1 TO PLS.WIDTH8")
34A1h 2 INT32 1:1 RW no Sets Limit Switch 2 Width PLS.WIDTH2 (see "PLS.WIDTH1 TO PLS.WIDTH8")
34A1h 3 INT32 1:1 RW no Sets Limit Switch 3 Width PLS.WIDTH3 (see "PLS.WIDTH1 TO PLS.WIDTH8")
34A1h 4 INT32 1:1 RW no Sets Limit Switch 4 Width PLS.WIDTH4 (see "PLS.WIDTH1 TO PLS.WIDTH8")
34A1h 5 INT32 1:1 RW no Sets Limit Switch 5 Width PLS.WIDTH5 (see "PLS.WIDTH1 TO PLS.WIDTH8")
34A1h 6 INT32 1:1 RW no Sets Limit Switch 6 Width PLS.WIDTH6 (see "PLS.WIDTH1 TO PLS.WIDTH8")
34A1h 7 INT32 1:1 RW no Sets Limit Switch 7 Width PLS.WIDTH7 (see "PLS.WIDTH1 TO PLS.WIDTH8")
34A1h 8 INT32 1:1 RW no Sets Limit Switch 8 Width PLS.WIDTH8 (see "PLS.WIDTH1 TO PLS.WIDTH8")
34A2h   Array       PLS Time
34A2h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34A2h 1 U16   RW no Sets limit switch 1 time PLS.T1 (see "PLS.T1 TO PLS.T8")
34A2h 2 U16   RW no Sets limit switch 2 time PLS.T2 (see "PLS.T1 TO PLS.T8")
34A2h 3 U16   RW no Sets limit switch 3 time PLS.T3 (see "PLS.T1 TO PLS.T8")
34A2h 4 U16   RW no Sets limit switch 4 time PLS.T4 (see "PLS.T1 TO PLS.T8")
34A2h 5 U16   RW no Sets limit switch 5 time PLS.T5 (see "PLS.T1 TO PLS.T8")
34A2h 6 U16   RW no Sets limit switch 6 time PLS.T6 (see "PLS.T1 TO PLS.T8")
34A2h 7 U16   RW no Sets limit switch 7 time PLS.T7 (see "PLS.T1 TO PLS.T8")
34A2h 8 U16   RW no Sets limit switch 8 time PLS.T8 (see "PLS.T1 TO PLS.T8")
34A3h   Array       PLS Configuration
34A3h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34A3h 1 U16   RW no Enables the limit switches PLS.EN (see "PLS.EN")
34A3h 2 U16   RW no Resets limit switches PLS.RESET (see "PLS.RESET")
34A3h 3 U16   RW no Selects limit switch mode PLS.MODE (see "PLS.MODE")
34A3h 4 U16   RW no Reads the limit switch state PLS.STATE (see "PLS.STATE")
34A4h 0 U8   RW no Sets limit switch units PLS.UNITS (see "PLS.UNITS")
34A8h 0 INT32   RW no Sets the Compare 0 modulo value CMP0.MODVALUE (see "CMPx.MODVALUE")
34A9h   Array       Compare0 modulo bounds
34A9h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34A9h 1 U8   RW no Compare0 modulo bound 1 CMP0.MODBOUND1 (see "CMPx.MODBOUND1")
34A9h 2 U8   RW no Compare0 modulo bound 2 CMP0.MODBOUND2 (see "CMPx.MODBOUND2")
34AAh   Array       CMP0 setpoints
34AAh 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34AAh 1 INT32   RW no Compare0 setpoint 0 CMP0.SETPOINT 0 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34AAh 2 INT32   RW no Compare0 setpoint 1 CMP0.SETPOINT 1 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34AAh 3 INT32   RW no Compare0 setpoint 2 CMP0.SETPOINT 2 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34AAh 4 INT32   RW no Compare0 setpoint 3 CMP0.SETPOINT 3 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34AAh 5 INT32   RW no Compare0 setpoint 4 CMP0.SETPOINT 4 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34AAh 6 INT32   RW no Compare0 setpoint 5 CMP0.SETPOINT 5 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34AAh 7 INT32   RW no Compare0 setpoint 6 CMP0.SETPOINT 6 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34AAh 8 INT32   RW no Compare0 setpoint 7 CMP0.SETPOINT 7 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34ABh   Array       CMP0 widths
34ABh 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34ABh 1 INT32   RW no Compare0 width 0 CMP0.WIDTH 0 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34ABh 2 INT32   RW no Compare0 width 1 CMP0.WIDTH 1 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34ABh 3 INT32   RW no Compare0 width 2 CMP0.WIDTH 2 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34ABh 4 INT32   RW no Compare0 width 3 CMP0.WIDTH 3 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34ABh 5 INT32   RW no Compare0 width 4 CMP0.WIDTH 4 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34ABh 6 INT32   RW no Compare0 width 5 CMP0.WIDTH 5 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34ABh 7 INT32   RW no Compare0 width 6 CMP0.WIDTH 6 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34ABh 8 INT32   RW no Compare0 width 7 CMP0.WIDTH 7 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34ACh   Array       CMP0 widthtype
34ACh 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34ACh 1 U8   RW no Compare0 widthtype 0 CMP0.WIDTHTYPE 0 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34ACh 2 U8   RW no Compare0 widthtype 1 CMP0.WIDTHTYPE 1 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34ACh 3 U8   RW no Compare0 widthtype 2 CMP0.WIDTHTYPE 2 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34ACh 4 U8   RW no Compare0 widthtype 3 CMP0.WIDTHTYPE 3 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34ACh 5 U8   RW no Compare0 widthtype 4 CMP0.WIDTHTYPE 4 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34ACh 6 U8   RW no Compare0 widthtype 5 CMP0.WIDTHTYPE 5 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34ACh 7 U8   RW no Compare0 widthtype 6 CMP0.WIDTHTYPE 6 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34ACh 8 U8   RW no Compare0 widthtype 7 CMP0.WIDTHTYPE 7 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34ADh   Array       CMP0 modes
34ADh 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34ADh 1 U8   RW no Compare0 mode 0 CMP0.MODE 0 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34ADh 2 U8   RW no Compare0 mode 1 CMP0.MODE 1 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34ADh 3 U8   RW no Compare0 mode 2 CMP0.MODE 2 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34ADh 4 U8   RW no Compare0 mode 3 CMP0.MODE 3 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34ADh 5 U8   RW no Compare0 mode 4 CMP0.MODE 4 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34ADh 6 U8   RW no Compare0 mode 5 CMP0.MODE 5 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34ADh 7 U8   RW no Compare0 mode 6 CMP0.MODE 6 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34ADh 8 U8   RW no Compare0 mode 7 CMP0.MODE 7 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34B0h   Array       USER.DWORDS for writing of feedback memory
34B0h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34B1h   Array       USER.WORDS for writing of feedback memory
34B1h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34B2h   Array       USER.BYTES for writing of feedback memory
34B2h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34B8h 0 INT32   RW no Sets the Compare 1 modulo value CMP1.MODVALUE (see "CMPx.MODVALUE")
34B9h   Array       Compare1 modulo bounds
34B9h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34B9h 1 U8   RW no Compare1 modulo bound 1 CMP1.MODBOUND1 (see "CMPx.MODBOUND1")
34B9h 2 U8   RW no Compare1 modulo bound 2 CMP1.MODBOUND2 (see "CMPx.MODBOUND2")
34BAh   Array       CMP1 setpoints
34BAh 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34BAh 1 INT32   RW no Compare1 setpoint 0 CMP1.SETPOINT 0 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34BAh 2 INT32   RW no Compare1 setpoint 1 CMP1.SETPOINT 1 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34BAh 3 INT32   RW no Compare1 setpoint 2 CMP1.SETPOINT 2 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34BAh 4 INT32   RW no Compare1 setpoint 3 CMP1.SETPOINT 3 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34BAh 5 INT32   RW no Compare1 setpoint 4 CMP1.SETPOINT 4 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34BAh 6 INT32   RW no Compare1 setpoint 5 CMP1.SETPOINT 5 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34BAh 7 INT32   RW no Compare1 setpoint 6 CMP1.SETPOINT 6 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34BAh 8 INT32   RW no Compare1 setpoint 7 CMP1.SETPOINT 7 (see "CMPx.SETPOINT")
34BBh   Array       CMP1 widths
34BBh 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34BBh 1 INT32   RW no Compare1 width 0 CMP1.WIDTH 0 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34BBh 2 INT32   RW no Compare1 width 1 CMP1.WIDTH 1 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34BBh 3 INT32   RW no Compare1 width 2 CMP1.WIDTH 2 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34BBh 4 INT32   RW no Compare1 width 3 CMP1.WIDTH 3 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34BBh 5 INT32   RW no Compare1 width 4 CMP1.WIDTH 4 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34BBh 6 INT32   RW no Compare1 width 5 CMP1.WIDTH 5 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34BBh 7 INT32   RW no Compare1 width 6 CMP1.WIDTH 6 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34BBh 8 INT32   RW no Compare1 width 7 CMP1.WIDTH 7 (see "CMPx.WIDTH")
34BCh   Array       CMP1 widthtype
34BCh 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34BCh 1 U8   RW no Compare1 widthtype 0 CMP1.WIDTHTYPE 0 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34BCh 2 U8   RW no Compare1 widthtype 1 CMP1.WIDTHTYPE 1 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34BCh 3 U8   RW no Compare1 widthtype 2 CMP1.WIDTHTYPE 2 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34BCh 4 U8   RW no Compare1 widthtype 3 CMP1.WIDTHTYPE 3 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34BCh 5 U8   RW no Compare1 widthtype 4 CMP1.WIDTHTYPE 4 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34BCh 6 U8   RW no Compare1 widthtype 5 CMP1.WIDTHTYPE 5 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34BCh 7 U8   RW no Compare1 widthtype 6 CMP1.WIDTHTYPE 6 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34BCh 8 U8   RW no Compare1 widthtype 7 CMP1.WIDTHTYPE 7 (see "CMPx.WIDTHTYPE")
34BDh   Array       CMP1 modes
34BDh 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34BDh 1 U8   RW no Compare1 mode 0 CMP1.MODE 0 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34BDh 2 U8   RW no Compare1 mode 1 CMP1.MODE 1 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34BDh 3 U8   RW no Compare1 mode 2 CMP1.MODE 2 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34BDh 4 U8   RW no Compare1 mode 3 CMP1.MODE 3 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34BDh 5 U8   RW no Compare1 mode 4 CMP1.MODE 4 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34BDh 6 U8   RW no Compare1 mode 5 CMP1.MODE 5 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34BDh 7 U8   RW no Compare1 mode 6 CMP1.MODE 6 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34BDh 8 U8   RW no Compare1 mode 7 CMP1.MODE 7 (see "CMPx.MODE")
34C0h   Array       Compare0 handling
34C0h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34C0h 1 U16   RW no Compare0 arm setpoints CMP0.ARM 0..7 (see "CMPx.ARM")
34C0h 2 U16   RW no Compare0 states CMP0.STATE 0..7 (see "CMPx.STATE")
34C1h   Array       Compare1 handling
34C1h 0 U8   RO no highest sub-index
34C1h 1 U16   RW no Compare1 arm setpoints CMP1.ARM 0..7 (see "CMPx.ARM")
34C1h 2 U16   RW no Compare1 states CMP1.STATE 0..7 (see "CMPx.STATE")
34D1h 0 U8   RW no EtherCAT input handling ECAT.INPUTHANDLING (see"ECAT.INPUTHANDLING") 




      PWM0 parameters  







Highest sub-index  














3501h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no Acceleration ramp DRV.ACC, also see 6083h (see "DRV.ACC", also see 6083h
3502h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no Acceleration ramp for homing/jog modes HOME.ACC (see "HOME.ACC")
3506h 0 INT32     no Action that hardware enable digital input will perform. DRV.HWENMODE (see "DRV.HWENMODE")
3509h 0 INT32 1000:1 RO no Analog input voltage AIN.VALUE (see "AIN.VALUE ")
3522h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no Deceleration rate DRV.DEC, also see 6084h (see "DRV.DEC", also see 6084h
3524h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no Deceleration ramp for homing/jog modes HOME.DEC (see "HOME.DEC")
352Ah 0 INT32   RW no Direction of movements DRV.DIR (see "DRV.DIR ")
3533h 0 U32   RO no Resolution of motor encoder FB1.ENCRES (see "FB1.ENCRES")
3534h 0 U32   RO no Mode of EEO connector DRV.EMUEMODE (see "DRV.EMUEMODE")
3535h 0 U32   RO no Resolution of EEO DRV.EMUERES (see "DRV.EMUERES ")
3537h 0 U32   RO no Location of EEO index pulse DRV.EMUEZOFFSET (see "DRV.EMUEZOFFSET ")
353Bh 0 INT32   RO no Selection of the feedback type FB1.SELECT (see "FB1.SELECT")
3542h 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Position Control Loop: Proportional Gain PL.KP (see "PL.KP")
3548h 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Velocity Control Loop: Proportional Gain VL.KP (see "VL.KP")
354Bh 0 INT32 1000:1 RW no Sets the velocity loop velocity feedforward gain value VL.KVFF (see "VL.KVFF")
354Dh 0 INT32 1000:1 RW no Velocity Control Loop: I-Integration Time VL.KI (see "VL.KI")
3558h 0 INT32 1000:1 RO no Current Monitor IL.FB (see "IL.FB ")
3559h 0 INT32 1000:1 RO no Drive Ifold IL.DIFOLD (see "IL.DIFOLD")
355Ah 0 INT32 1000:1 RW no I2T Warning IL.FOLDWTHRESH (see "IL.FOLDWTHRESH")
3562h 0 INT32   RW no Function of Digital Input 1 DIN1.MODE (see "DIN1.MODE TO DIN7.MODE")
3565h 0 INT32   RW no Function of Digital Input 2 DIN2.MODE (see "DIN1.MODE TO DIN7.MODE")
3568h 0 INT32   RW no Function of Digital Input 3 DIN3.MODE (see "DIN1.MODE TO DIN7.MODE")
356Bh 0 INT32   RW no Function of Digital Input 4 DIN4.MODE (see "DIN1.MODE TO DIN7.MODE")
356Eh 0 INT32 1000:1 RW no Application Peak Current, positive direction IL.LIMITP (see "IL.LIMITP")
356Fh 0 INT32 1000:1 RW no Application Peak Current, negative direction IL.LIMITN (see "IL.LIMITN")
3586h 0 U32   RW no Sets the motor temperature fault level MOTOR.TEMPFAULT (see "MOTOR.TEMPFAULT")
3587h 0 INT32   RW no Select Motor Holding Brake MOTOR.BRAKE (see "MOTOR.BRAKE")
358Eh 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Motor Continuous Current Rating MOTOR.ICONT (see "MOTOR.ICONT")
358Fh 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Motor Peak Current Rating MOTOR.IPEAK (see "MOTOR.IPEAK")
3593h 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Sets the torque constant of the motor MOTOR.KT (see "MOTOR.KT")
3596h 0 U32 1000:1 RO no Sets the proportional gain of the d-component current PI-regulator as a percentage of IL.KP IL.KPDRATIO (see "IL.KPDRATIO")
3598h 0 INT32 1000:1 RW no Absolute Gain of Current Control loop IL.KP (see "IL.KP")
359Ch 0 U32   RW no Sets the motor phase. MOTOR.PHASE (see "MOTOR.PHASE")
359Dh 0 U32   RW no Sets the number of motor poles MOTOR.POLES (see "MOTOR.POLES")
35A3h 0 U32   RW no Sets the maximum motor speed MOTOR.VMAX (see "MOTOR.VMAX")
35A4h 0 INT32 1000:1 RW no Maximum motor current IL.MIFOLD (see "IL.MIFOLD")
35ABh 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Sets the motor inertia MOTOR.INERTIA (see "MOTOR.INERTIA")
35AFh 0 U32   RW no Sets the digital output 1 mode DOUT1.MODE (see "DOUT1.MODE and DOUT2.MODE")
35B2h 0 U32   RW no Sets the digital output 2 mode DOUT2.MODE (see "DOUT1.MODE and DOUT2.MODE")
35B4h 0 INT32   RW no Operating Mode DRV.OPMODE (see "DRV.OPMODE")







Table number for motion task MT.TNUM (see "MT.TNUM")
35B9h 0 INT32   RW no Control for Motion Task 0 MT.CNTL (see "MT.CNTL")
35BCh 0 INT32   RW no Next Task Number for Motion Task 0 MT.MTNEXT (see "MT.MTNEXT")







Time to next motion task MT.TNEXT (see "MT.TNEXT")
35C2h 0 INT32   RW no Select regen resistor REGEN.REXT (see "REGEN.REXT")
35C5h 0 INT32 1:1 RO no Actual Following Error PL.ERR (see "PL.ERR")
35C6h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no In-Position Window (profile position mode) MT.TPOSWND (see "MT.TPOSWND")
35C7h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no Max. Following Error PL.ERRFTHRESH (see "PL.ERRFTHRESH")
35CAh 0 INT32   RW no Position Resolution (Numerator) UNIT.PIN (see "UNIT.PIN")
35CBh 0 INT32   RW no Position Resolution (Denominator) UNIT.POUT (see "UNIT.POUT")
35CFh 0 INT32   RW no reserved PL.MODPEN (see "PL.MODPEN")
35D2h 0 U32   RO no Mechanical Position FB1.MECHPOS (see "FB1.MECHPOS")
35E2h 0 U32 1:1 RW no Sets the current limit during homing procedure to a mechanical stop HOME.IPEAK (see "HOME.IPEAK")
35EBh 0 INT32   WO no Save Data in EEPROM DRV.NVSAVE (see "DRV.NVSAVE")
35F0h 0 INT32   WO no Set Reference Point HOME.SET (see "HOME.SET")
35FEh 0 INT32   WO no Stop Motion Task DRV.STOP (see "DRV.STOP")
35FFh 0 U32   RW no Selects between disable immediately or stop and then disable DRV.DISMODE (see "DRV.DISMODE")
3610h 0 INT32   RO no Ambient Temperature DRV.TEMPERATURES (see "DRV.TEMPERATURES")
3611h 0 INT32   RO no Heat Sink Temperature DRV.TEMPERATURES (see "DRV.TEMPERATURES")
3612h 0 INT32   RO no Motor Temperature MOTOR.TEMP (see "MOTOR.TEMP")
3617h 0 U32 1:1 RW no Undervoltage mode VBUS.UVMODE (see "VBUS.UVMODE")
3618h 0 INT32 1:1 RO no Actual Velocity VL.FB (see "VL.FB")
361Ah 0 INT32   RO no DC-bus voltage VBUS.VALUE (see "VBUS.VALUE")
361Dh 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Voltage level for undervoltage fault VBUS.UVFTHRESH (see "VBUS.UVFTHRESH")
3622h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no Max. Velocity VL.LIMITP (see "VL.LIMITP")
3623h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no Max. Negative Velocity VL.LIMITN (see "VL.LIMITN")
3627h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no Overspeed VL.THRESH (see "VL.THRESH")
3629h 0 INT32 1000:1 RW no SW1 Velocity Scaling Factor AIN.VSCALE (see "AIN.VSCALE ")
3637h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no reserved PL.MODP1 (see "PL.MODP1")
3638h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no reserved PL.MODP2 (see "PL.MODP2")
3656h 0 U64 1:1 RW no Initial feedback position FB1.ORIGIN (see "FB1.ORIGIN")
3659h 0 INT32   RW no Type of acceleration setpoint for the system UNIT.ACCROTARY (see "UNIT.ACCROTARY")
365Bh 0 INT32   RW no Presetting for motion task that is processed later MT.NUM (see "MT.NUM")
365Fh 0 INT32   RW no Systemwide Definition of Velocity/Speed UNIT.VROTARY (see "UNIT.VROTARY")
3660h 0 INT32   RW no Set Resolution of the Position UNIT.PROTARY (see "UNIT.PROTARY")
366Eh 0 INT32   RW no Disable Delaytime with Holding Brake MOTOR.TBRAKEAPP (see "MOTOR.TBRAKEAPP")
366Fh 0 INT32   RW no Enable Delaytime with Holding Brake MOTOR.TBRAKERLS (see "MOTOR.TBRAKERLS")
3683h 0 U16   RW no Delay for wake and shake timing WS.TDELAY1 (see "WS.TDELAY1")
3685h 0 U16   RW no Sets delay for wake and shake timing WS.TDELAY2 (see "WS.TDELAY2")
36D0h 0 U16   RW no Sets wake and shake current-vector appliance time WS.T (see "WS.T")
36D1h 0 U32 1:1 RW no Sets the minimum movement required for wake and shake WS.DISTMIN (see "WS.DISTMIN")
36D7h 0 U32 1000:1 RW no Sets homing auto move flag HOME.AUTOMOVE (see "HOME.AUTOMOVE")
36E2h 0 U8   RW no Sets the number of repetitions for wake and shake WS.NUMLOOPS (see "WS.NUMLOOPS")
36E5h 0 U32   RW no CAN baud rate selection FBUS.PARAM01 (see "FBUS.PARAM1 TO FBUS.PARAM10")
36E6h 0 U32   RW no pll synchronization FBUS.PARAM02 (see "FBUS.PARAM1 TO FBUS.PARAM10")
36E7h 0 U32   RW no - FBUS.PARAM03 (see "FBUS.PARAM1 TO FBUS.PARAM10")
36E8h 0 U32   RW no SYNC surveillance FBUS.PARAM04 (see "FBUS.PARAM1 TO FBUS.PARAM10")
36E9h 0 U32   RW no - FBUS.PARAM05 (see "FBUS.PARAM1 TO FBUS.PARAM10")
36EAh 0 U32   RW no - FBUS.PARAM06 (see "FBUS.PARAM1 TO FBUS.PARAM10")
36EBh 0 U32   RW no - FBUS.PARAM07 (see "FBUS.PARAM1 TO FBUS.PARAM10")
36ECh 0 U32   RW no - FBUS.PARAM08 (see "FBUS.PARAM1 TO FBUS.PARAM10")
36EDh 0 U32   RW no - FBUS.PARAM09 (see "FBUS.PARAM1 TO FBUS.PARAM10")
36EEh 0 U32   RW no - FBUS.PARAM10 (see "FBUS.PARAM1 TO FBUS.PARAM10")
36F6h 0 INT32   RW no Function of Digital Input 5 DIN5.MODE (see "DIN1.MODE TO DIN7.MODE")
36F9h 0 INT32   RW no Function of Digital Input 6 DIN6.MODE (see "DIN1.MODE TO DIN7.MODE")
36FCh 0 U32   RW no Function of Digital Input 7 DIN7.MODE (see "DIN1.MODE TO DIN7.MODE")
3856h 0 INT32 1:1 RW no velocity window for profile position mode MT.TVELWND (see "MT.TVELWND")
3899h 0 VisStr   RW no Motor Name, 20 bytes MOTOR.NAME (see "MOTOR.NAME")